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Citing Sources

North Central High School teachers generally expect students to use the MLA style for citing sources and typing papers. 

  • The recommended databases build citations for you.  Just make sure you choose the correct style, which is MLA 9 for most NC teachers.

MLA Style Guide - Go directly to the Modern Language Association website for templates and details on MLA citation style.

Purdue OWL MLA Formatting and Style Guide - Purdue's Online Writing Lab provides numerous examples using MLA 9 format.

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism

  • Students are expected to practice academic honesty and cite sources they use for any work, whether it is a small image found through Google images or an idea for a paper.

  • Avoid plagiarizing by properly quoting and citing your sources as well as paraphrasing and crediting an article written by someone else.  If you didn't create it, cite it. 

NC's librarians recommend the following citation builders* if you feel they are helpful.

*All citation builders are only as good as the coders who create them and your ability to enter the correct information.  It is best to double check your citations.

Philina Martinez

Teacher Librarian

Dept. Chair of Library, Learning Center, & Visual Arts

Office hours for Fall 2022:

After school on Thursday or by appt.

Lee Toussant

Teacher Librarian

Updated office hours for Fall 2022:

After school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays or by appt.

Library Information Center & Learning Center

Mission Statement:

to support the development of lifelong learners and globally-minded citizens by providing a bridge between the classroom and deeper learning for all students through differentiated and equitable supports in order to foster the academic, creative, and social skills needed to achieve excellence in a multicultural environment.

We appreciate support from

North Central High School

1801 E. 86th St.

Indianapolis, IN  46240



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© 2021 by NCHS Librarians

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